Do you have a complaint/suggestion? An error to report? Did your house accidentally explode? Did you soil your pants? We don't provide refunds, but contact us, and we'll get right to you!
Guidelines for submitting an error report:
- Ensure the error is related to Glenn's Gases or the Gases Framework. Try Googling the problem first.
- If you experienced a crash, include the crash report given by your launcher.
- Specify all necessary version numbers: Minecraft, Forge, Glenn's Gases, Gases Framework...
- Describe what led up to the error and if you are able to reproduce it.
Guidelines for submitting suggestions:
- Keep the style of Minecraft and Glenn's Gases/Gases Framework in mind. Is your suggestion something that would fit in?
- KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) - Make it realistic.
- Explain why Glenn's Gases and/or the Gases Framework should have this.
Smaller inquiries may also be Tweeted to @Glenn_AA.
Are you making a modpack and wish to include Glenn's Gases? Have a look here.