May 26 2014 - UPDATE 1.5.0 / HOTFIX

Glenn's Gases 1.5.0 is now out! This update is for Minecraft 1.7.2 only and features two new gases and a huge amount of small changes. Have look for yourself!

  • Added several new fields in the Configurations and renamed some.
  • Replaced the Glowstone Shard reaction with the Dust Cycle. Also removed the Glowstone Shard from the creative tab.
  • Added Snapdragon and Primitive Respirator.
  • Added Rusted Iron Ore and Rusted Iron Block.
  • Added Black Damp and Chlorine Gas.
  • Void Gas is now pipeable and can be extracted from Bedrock. Bedrock also emits Void Gas differently, and the Void Gas is less tolerant to light.
  • Added a slowness effect to some gases, and altered the properties of some gases.
  • Increased the light range of Lantern With Torch.
  • Fixed major client/server sync issues with Glowstone Shards.
  • Added a custom death message for asphyxiation.
  • Added proper step sounds to various blocks.
  • Gas Pipes, Gas Pumps and Gas Collectors that are attemping to fill empty space with gas have a possibility of doing so even if a gas is in the way.
  • The grill of the Gas Furnace now indicates its temperature, and the temperature will also be properly indicated in the GUI. Also fixed its inventory graphic.
  • Gas Lanterns can now connect to pipes and feed off gas from them.
  • Gases inside Gas Pipes will now ignite when the pipe is exploded.
  • Changed rendering of various blocks to look better when being broken.
  • Blindness now goes away more quickly.
  • Gas now generates in less frequent, but bigger Gas Pockets which may or may not consist of several small subpockets. Should increase performace by a bit.
  • Gas Clouds may or may not consist of several subclouds. Should increase performace by a bit.
  • Electric Gas will now only emit sparks when a living entity is nearby. The sparks will no longer hurt living entities through obstacles.
  • Gas Pipes can now generate in small clusters underground.

For those of you who are still stuck on 1.6.4 and 1.6.2, there is a hotfix available for two small issues.

  • Fixed the world generation Configurations and made it possible to have a chance to generate instead of an amount to generate.
  • Fixed corrosive gas causing crashes when trying to corrode certain blocks.

Also, I have compiled a lot of information about Glenn's Gases on the newly released Information Database. Have a look there if there is something you want to know!